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We are excited to announce our expanded inventory to give you an even larger variety — still delivered with the same ease and convenience you’ve come to expect!

You can now find 50% more available items in our inventory, including 150 Quick Ship items: guaranteed ready in inventory or $50 cash in your pocket! (Look for the lightning bolt ⚡)

View our new plant availability here!

Just give us a call at 386-754-0161 to get started today! 

Check out just a few of the many items that are looking good and ready for your install.

7 gal Loropetalums available now

3 gal Muhly Gass

7 gal Ilex Schillings

1 gal Asiatic Jasmine – Large quantities available now. (And also available in 4″ via UPS for overnight delivery)

3 gal Variegated Ginger

3 gal Ilex Inkberry

15 gal Viburnum Suspensum

3 gal Iris

7 gal Podocarpus are looking great & ready to ship!

And did you know that we also sell 15G, 30G, 45G, 95G and B&B trees?