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The weather has definitely taken a turn for the cooler and that can only mean one thing: tradeshow season is here. Come visit us as we exhibit at the following events to chat, see our offers and participate in giveaways!
You have successfully established a relationship with your customer. You have an open dialogue and they give you feedback.   And not only feedback but maybe a suggestion or two or three. How do you know if it is worth investing the time, energy, and potential money into one customer’s suggestion?   In this video,...
You have a customer. Everything seems to be going well. They have used your business multiple times, and things are running smoothly.   Or so you thought.   Suddenly, the custom stops using your business with no notice, no word, just gone. But why?   Oftentimes, customers who have a problem or feel that something...
Ever since President Gabriel Curry was a boy looking through the SEARS catalog around the holidays, he dreamed of flying a remote control helicopter. But like any dream, it takes time, energy and planning to accomplish. Today, he is the proud owner of my own remote helicopter (even if my flying needs a little practice)....
Everyone tends to think their business has good customer service. But what does that mean?   Not only do specified customer service representatives need to be exemplary, but every part of your business that interacts with customers. From sales, to service, to your actual website, President Gabriel Curry shares his experience on how to measure...
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