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Our inventory Control Lead, Jenny Boyer, talks about the benefits of using Pineapple Guava in place of some commonly used landscaping shrubs and why it’s one of her favorite plants in the garden. 386-754-0161 [email protected]
Have you ever decided not to leave a comment or feedback because you didn’t think it would matter or get seen? In this video, Gabriel discusses how we use our customers’ feedback and why it’s so important to us at G&S. We can’t improve without hearing from YOU! How do you collect feedback from your...
Our Nursery Manager, Stacey, talks about how to get rid of rust in your plants and why it affects them. Have you ever had to treat rust on Flax Lily or Aztec Grass? Let us know in the comments if your plants were successful after treatment or if you have a question for Stacey, send...
Frank goes over Tropicals in a two part series. These are plants prized for their aesthetic appeal around pools and on patios. What tropical plants have you used in your landscape projects? In this video, Frank talks about Bananas, Bougainvillea, Crotons, Triostar, Red Sister, Hibiscus, Schefflera and Thyrallis. Have a question for Frank? [email protected] 386-754-0161
The Facts on Sunshine Ligustrums Stacey and Gabriel discuss how Sunshine Ligustrums can brighten up a landscape when placed in the sun, or stay green in the shade. A great cold-hardy plant, we offer different gallon sizes to meet your job’s specs. Have you used Sunshine Ligustrums in a recent project? Leave us a comment...
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